Book Condition Guide

We have lots of books looking for a home. Some may be more loved than others, but we stand behind every book we ship. Find out how we grade our books here.

As new (AN): I'm hardly noticeably used and could be new. Some of my pages could be yellowed due to age but I am otherwise clean and flawless.

Very Good (VG): I may show some small signs of wear - but no tears - on either binding or paper.

Good (G): I’m an averagely used and worn book, but I have no loose, torn, damaged or bent pages.

Fair (F): I may show some wear and tear but all my text pages and illustrations are present. Some non-essential pages may be missing, or my binding, jacket, or cover may be worn. I may not be much to look at, but I am still readable.

Poor (P): I may be badly damaged or have a damaged cover. I could have one or more lost, loose, damaged, torn, bent, and marked pages with dog ears due to use, but I am still readable and have some life left to give.

Ex-library (EL): I once lived in library. I may have some library stickers, stamps, or markings but I am still readable.

We do our very best to evaluate products consistently and accurately to ensure that they adhere to these guidelines. If you have further questions about the condition of a book, please email us at